About us
We, the initiative group of creative and cultural practitioners and entrepreneurs (hereinafter referred to as the CCAN), united by the Creative Central Asia forum, represent the following sectors:
  • Fine arts, visual arts and crafts
  • Cultural heritage (tangible and intangible)
  • Design and fashion
  • Movies, photography, videography, television, radio, internet streaming and podcasts
  • Creation of virtual and augmented reality, mixed reality
  • Performing arts, music
  • Theater and dance
  • Publishing and Literature
  • Modern art, cultural and art management
  • Architecture, urban and regional planning
  • Animation and multimedia
  • Digital culture and new media
  • Computer games and e-sports
  • Programming, robotics and artificial intelligence
  • Entertainment industry, shows and public events
  • Communications, public relations, advertising, etc
We are directly involved in the creative economy, the most promising and fastest growing segment in Central Asia (CA). The geography of the initiative group includes the creative industries representatives of all five countries of the region: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.

Mission of the initiative group: To promote the development of the creative economy in Central Asia and create the basis for the emergence of a regional network of cooperation between creative practitioners and entrepreneurs and related associations in each of the Central Asian countries.
Want to join?
If you would like to become a part of CCAN, please fill out this form at the link